ActiveTutorLite version 1.0 beta (page française ici : drapeau français)

This is the download page of a light version of the software ActiveTutor, developed by Jean-Pierre Fournier.

This software is intended for novice programmers who wish to discover or deepen the construction of algorithms. The algorithms presented as examples covering roughly the undergraduate program university.

The main concepts ranging from construction of iterative or recursive simple algorithms to manage dynamic data structures, with pointers and references, especially linked lists and trees.

The teaching method consists of software algorithms to run, ie to show what happens in memory when running, much as might make debugging tools, but graphically. This Lite version has all the features of the full version, except:

By default, this streamlined version is offered with the grammar used in recent years under the teaching of algorithms for students from special year of IUT d'Orsay (department computer science).
The examples offered by default are also those who were employed in the same curriculum.
However, nothing prevents using another grammar or other examples ... simply have the xml file describing the grammar and other xml file describing the list of examples, and of course files (algorithms or scenarios) associated with these examples

This software was written in Java ... To run on your computer, it is necessary that it has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Sun's site offers two packages containing both a JVM. On the one hand, the JRE provides a runtime environment alone installed automatically on many computers today, on the other hand, the JDK adds more tools for Java developers. MacIntosh users may also install their JVM In any case, a version 5 (sometimes called 1.5) is a minimum to run ActiveTutorLite. Downloading takes place in stages:

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